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Transhumeral Injuries: Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers

One of the most devastating injuries a person can experience is the loss of a limb. This experience is made even more traumatizing in situations where the loss was unexpected or caused by someone else’s negligence. If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a transhumeral amputation (an amputation of the arm above the elbow), you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your loss. A Toronto amputation injury lawyer at Mazin & Associates, PC can review your case for free and help you on your path towards recovery.

The experienced lawyers at Mazin & Associates, PC have helped the people of Ontario for years. We have a very diverse client base and as such have aided people with a variety of personal injury cases. Through our work, we have gained valuable experience about how to help clients just like you with all of their legal concerns. Hundreds of clients have testified to our abilities and we have managed to secure millions of dollars in settlements for our clients.

A case as serious as yours may require months, if not years, of physical and emotional healing. Let the knowledgeable lawyers of Mazin & Associates, PC fight for you so that you can focus on what matters. Call us at (416) 625-2122 or contact us online today.

Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer?

There are a lot of changes that come with losing a limb that can be emotionally scarring and traumatic, even without having to pursue a personal injury case. If you or a loved one has suffered from a transhumeral amputation, it is likely that you will need to devote extensive amounts of time and energy toward your recovery.

In addition, these types of cases require a sophisticated, working knowledge of the law to be successful. This means that if you have never pursued a case before or have not been formally trained in law, your chance of achieving a satisfactory settlement will decrease significantly. You have enough to worry about without having to be your own lawyer as well. Let one of our experienced lawyers at Mazin & Associates, PC help you so that you can focus on getting better. While you sit back and focus on your health, we can investigate your injury, gather the necessary evidence, formulate strategic legal arguments, negotiate with insurance and other lawyers on your behalf, and prepare your case for trial. With our help, you are far more likely to receive the full amount of compensation that you need.

Why Choose Mazin & Associates, PC to Handle My Case?

For years, Mazin & Associates, PC has been one of the most successful and most renowned law firms in the greater Ontario area. We earned our stellar reputation because of our commitment to serving and protecting our clients. We always go the extra mile to ensure our clients are fully satisfied. That is how we have helped clients earn double, triple, or even quadruple what insurance companies originally offered as a settlement.

Recently, Mazin & Associates, PC was recognized by the Canadian Bar Association and The Law Society of Upper Canada for our dedication to our craft and because of our client success. Mazin & Associates, PC is also listed as an accredited business by the Better Business Bureau and received an overall A+ rating. Though we are proud of our accomplishments as a firm, we continue working because we are deeply dedicated to our clients. We at Mazin & Associates, PC want to make a difference in your life in whatever way possible. We value the client above all else.

Cases We Handle

Transhumeral amputation is amputation of the arm above the elbow. Transhumeral amputation typically occurs in drastic situations where the humerus, radius, and ulna become dislocated and cannot be repaired. Most often an amputation occurs because of improper care of the wound or in work accidents with heavy machinery.

A number of different situations may result in the removal of a limb, including:

  • Disease – There are a variety of illnesses that may cause an upper arm infection. For example, if you or a loved one is currently or was being treated for cancer with chemoradiation, the exposure to chemicals may have caused immunodeficiency, bone infarcts, or soft-tissue irritation that may result in an amputation. Most often, doctors will attempt a limb salvage before a transhumeral amputation. Amputation should be a last resort. If you feel that a doctor amputated your limb prematurely or failed to treat the infection that caused the amputation, you may be entitled to compensation.
  • Workplace Accidents – When you come to work, you expect that your boss or company will prioritize your safety. Unfortunately, not all workplaces are as diligent as they should be about the safety of their workers. One of the most common causes of a transhumeral amputation is workplace accidents, such as an explosion or equipment failure. If you feel that your work was responsible for your injury, your amputation may not be your fault and the burden should not fall to you alone. Mazin & Associates, PC can help you determine whether a workers’ compensation claim or a lawsuit are more appropriate in your case.
  • Practitioner Fault – Doctors are humans and do sometimes make mistakes; unfortunately, some of their mistakes may result in the loss of a limb. A doctor may remove the wrong limb during an amputation and a patient may lose multiple extremities. This is the fault of your practitioner, and they should be held responsible.
  • Car Accidents – Car accidents may cause an injury so severe that amputation is necessary. A distracted or drunk driver can cause permanent physical and emotional damage to you and your family.

Transhumeral amputations are serious and deserve to be treated as such. If you are a victim of any of the above scenarios or recently experienced a transhumeral amputation for an injury that was not your fault, you should pursue compensation.

Contact Us

At Mazin & Associates, PC, we have the skills, experience, and knowledge necessary to help you recover financial compensation after an amputation. Our amputation injury lawyers pride ourselves on our continued commitment towards our clients and fully believe that we can help you with any personal injury case. Let us help you so you can focus on the healing process. Call us at (416) 625-2122 or email us to schedule a free consultation.

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  • "I‌ wanted‌ to‌ thank‌ Gary‌ Mazin‌ for‌ everything‌ he‌ did‌ for‌ me. ‌ Retaining‌ him‌ was‌ the‌ best‌ decision‌ I‌ had‌ ever‌ made. Gary is the best personal injury lawyer. His‌ expertise,‌ professionalism‌ and‌ kindness‌ were‌ always‌ present. ‌ He‌ was‌ able‌ to‌ get‌ me‌ the‌ fair‌ settlement‌ that‌ I‌ deserved‌ because‌ of‌ his‌ knowledge‌ and‌ support. He‌ is‌ a‌ truly‌ dedicated‌ personal‌ injury‌ lawyer‌ to‌ whom‌ I‌ am‌ forever‌ grateful."
  • R.‌ Chertok,‌ Richmond‌ Hill
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Mazin & Associates PC dedicates itself to achieving maximum settlements in serious personal injury and accident cases. Our areas of practice include car accidents, motorcycle injuries, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, slip and falls, wrongful death, product liability, long-term disability and medical malpractice.

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